The android front end was the most important part of out project. It was extremely important for us to design a user friendly UI since without an intuitive front end, the work done in the backend would be of no use. We made sure that the user would have no difficulty in finding the bus timings he/she required by making the design as simple and descriptive as possible. We also made sure that the user would have no difficulty in understanding the navigation features of the application.
We were successful in hiding the details involved and made the user experience as simple as possible. Making different people try our application helped us understand and make changes depending on the feedback received.
We have a number of screens which show different information as requested by the user. Our application also has the Google map feature using which the user can find bus positions, the closest bus stop, the bus routes, and directions to the closest bus stop.
The application starts with a welcome screen that has a picture of a bus and the name of the
application. As soon as the application is started a picture is displayed on the screen and a thread is
created which sleeps for 4 seconds . At the end of 4 seconds, the ‘LOADING’ intent is started.
The intent MENUSCREEN has three radio buttons and a submit button that allows the user to
decide if he wants information according to the buses, according to the bus stops or if he wants to
get information using the maps. Based on the selection made by the user a new intent is started
If the user selects Bus Stop Information then the intent BUSSTOPINFO starts. This intent has two radio
buttons that allow the user to select the bus stop number for which they want to get information.
If the user selects Bus Information then the intent BUSINFO starts. This intent has two radio buttons that
allow the user to select the bus number for which they want to get information. On making a selection
and submitting it via the button ‘GO’ an intent ‘BUSDISPLAY’ starts. The screenshot is shown below.
Google Maps screenshots:
Displays the 3 bus stops
Displays the bus position
Display the Bus route
Provide navigation assistance